It must have been destiny that brought me to AUF. Well, not that I hate my school or anything close, never at all actually, but sometimes, perhaps I have absorbed "the struggle" too. I mean, let us not beat around the bush anymore, I have been struggling with this junk around my middle section. I guess it must be occupied by recent, and repeated, alcohol floods and junks like sodas and even as simple as those you buy from the nearby sari-sari stores and fast-food chains. Well, complex things start from simple ones. Honestly, I though I've gone so far in terms of getting back into the proper shape for a young man. At least for what I know must be proper at my age. But I need to do more to get the lean figure I've always wanted, and needed.
Sometimes I get excited to work out at a gym near school. But most of the time, since I usually have so much things to do in school, I intentionally miss gym hours just to rest. I actually love the feeling of working out. Just the mere sweating makes me feel lighter and quite happier. Seldom I go out of the gym not satisfied. These are the times when my workout is "scattered."
Really, it is a continuous struggle for me, especially, though I regularly, or sometimes not, workout, that I eat too much. I have less sleep almost everyday. No doubt if I will not be able to lose this gut. I remember once my News Writing professor told me that since I knew the problems already in news gathering and reporting, find out how to address these so I'll get better results. Same thing applies here, I 100% think so.
I have been ditching my diet for ages though I have always reminded myself about it time and time again. Probably I am not disciplined enough to follow my self-imposed restrictions since I cannot punish myself and the law has no sanctions addressed to my disobedience and stubbornness. I cannot even "walk the talk." Because I usually give health tips regarding weight management but I cannot even manage my own weight. How phony can that be. But hey, I do not need to be harsh on myself. I just wanted to share what I know might help others. Well, what can I say, it really is, a struggle.
Currently, the reason why I return to the gym every now and then is because of the feeling it gives me after the workout. The goal of achieving "THE BODY" almost everyone in this generation of the young wants comes secondary in my list. I am not satisfied with my body yet but I know now, I've just shifted priorities, that enjoying the workout is more important and worth-remembering than the destination, if I ever get there in the future. If worst comes to worst that I will not able to have what I worked out for, which is to have a lean body, at least I felt happy and light along the process. Give me this consolation please.
Well, yet gain, what can I say, it really is, and must be at all, a struggle.